How Parent Teacher Associations Can Raise Funds for School Events

When you are a member of the Parent-Teacher Association or PTA, raising funds for your school can be challenging. Since you have a vested interest in the success of the school’s fundraising activities, you want them to succeed.
Your school needs efficient and effective fundraisers to keep supporting the programs and activities your students love to do. Fundraising activities can also improve and expand its existing facilities. Whatever is the purpose of the money raised, the PTA needs to have an effective and efficient method of raising money regularly. For guidance in fundraising, visit Fundraising Zone for more information
If you need some ideas to revitalize your fundraising efforts, read on! Below are some ideas to prepare you to make the most of your PTA fundraising season.
- Walkathon Activity
Walkathon is undoubtedly the best and easiest fundraiser for PTAs to successfully plan and execute. There are several reasons why a lot of schools choose this activity when they know they need to raise a lot of funds quickly.
First, walkathons appeal to both children, teens, and adults. This activity doesn’t only target one segment of the population. Still, it appeals to a range of individuals and groups, who can sign up as a team. This activity can foster healthy competition while raising money for a good cause.
The students will also love to participate in this activity since it allows them to hang out with their friends and be active at the same time. As long as your walkathon activity is on a sunny day, you should have no problem attracting a large turnout.
If you are not familiar with how a walkathon works, there are two ways on how each student can participate. The student can either:
- Collect pledged amounts for each unit of distance walked. For instance, $5 for every mile, $1 for every lap on a track.
- Receive donations for participation in the marathon. For example, someone donates a certain amount of money for the entire event rather than a per-unit pledge.
Just make sure to use a walkathon fundraising software in managing the pledge amounts and creating shareable fundraising pages for each participant.
- Bowling Activity
The first rule for fundraising for schools is to make the event fun and exciting so that students can participate.
Teens and children always love the idea when they can get to hang out with their friends outside of school. Bowling activity is a perfect opportunity for students to gather and raise money by playing the game.
You can raise funds based on:
- The number of strikes or spares. For instance, you can collect pledge $5 for every hit.
- The individual points. For instance, you are collecting $0.25 for every point earned.
You can let your students participate by collecting pledges and coming out for a bowling night. A bowling activity has little cost while having the potential to raise an incredible amount of funds in a single night of fun.
- Biking Activity
A biking activity allows young children and teens to raise money for your school while promoting healthy and active living. The students can collect pledged amounts based on the distance biked or laps completed on a track.
The students will not have any difficulty in collecting pledges for this event because the adults can be easily encouraged to an active lifestyle. While the young children ride their bikes, their parents and loved ones can cheer them on from the sidelines.
For a lot of kids, riding their bikes quickly and feeling the rush of the wind is the greatest form of freedom. You will be able to hit two birds with one stone: your students will be able to ride their bike, and you will be able to raise funds for the school.
- Reading Activity
A reading activity is also a great and profitable fundraising event you can try in schools. It doesn’t matter if the student is an avid reader or an average one, everyone can participate.
Other students may not like the idea of participating in an activity outside of school. Still, a reading event can allow them to collect money by merely doing their homework. You can collect pledged amounts depending on the age and reading abilities of the student. It can be as follows:
- The number of books read
- The numbers of chapters read
- The number of pages read
- The hours spent in reading
The funds you’re planning to raise can add up extremely quickly when you consider the pages that students have to read for their work anyway.