What is Unique About Event Plannermy Event Planning Company?


Event planning is a fun job to do but apart from this it is also one of the stressed jobs in the world, you may enjoy managing things but if one thing falls apart you might start losing your temper and start stressing out but it’s all part of the job. Event Plannermy handled everything very smoothly during a grand opening in Johar Bahru and everything was pre-planned and fall perfectly on time. Even though this job is fun but it requires some excellent skills to deliver perfection to our clients. Event Plannermy has adopted the following skills which made them unique and different from any other event planning company. 

  1. Organisational skills- This is the most common but yet most important skill which you will require in every job you perform. Whatever you do you have to be well organized and planned. Event Plannermy is a highly organized company, they manage the timeline of their clients very well and keeps in mind everything from budget to transportation to food catering, they handle all the tasks professionally. 
  2. High networking- No we are not talking about the internet or your cell phone network. Here network means direct contact with the person who has been involved in some job. An event planner should be network savvy, they should have a great network of people to get things done smoothly. Event plannermy have a wide range of networks with all types of business like catering, decorators, photographers, DJs, etc. So that they will be always ready and prepared for any job. You can also make good network and relationship with suppliers and businessman by attending their meetings and conferences, have a polite nature while talking because it will benefit you in negotiating price. 
  3. Understanding of events- Event planning is much more than just deciding the location and decorations. You have to know the basics of the event so that you can handle everything smoothly. An event planner should cope up with his team because you can’t handle everything single handled. Event Plannermy follow the rule of basic understanding, they make sure that their team has proper knowledge of bands, decorators, caterers, DJs, venues, etc. If you know these things your task will become somehow less complex and your clients will clear your bill as soon as possible. 
  4. Highly creative- Even though you hire people to perform a different job in event planning but you should also possess good creative knowledge because you can’t also stay dependent upon someone else for your work. Also, your clients will always look up to you for any ideas so you have to be prepared all the time. Employees in Event Plannermy are very creative because they keep their minds open all the time and are always ready to learn new things. While Event planning Melaka because of the creative skills they handled they decoration professionally when the decorator canceled the contract at the last minute. 

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