What is involved in getting a marriage license?

The ceremony fee is $50.00 for marriages performed at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace if either applicant is a Delaware resident; $100.00 fee if neither applicant is a Delaware resident. When applying for a marriage license current photo identification such as a driver’s license or passport; proof of citizenship and/or residence; a birth certificate, proof of parental consent and/or court consent if underage; a death certificate if you are widowed or divorce decree if you are divorced; and sometimes blood test results.
Solemnizer is to return the completed original marriage license to the Recorder-County Clerk in the county in which the license was issued within ten days of the marriage ceremony. A certified copy of the order shall be presented to the county clerk at the time the marriage license is issued. Usually, you may apply for a marriage license at any county clerk’s office in the state where you want to be married.
Both parties must appear in person at the Clerk’s Office to sign the marriage license application and take an oath (or affirm) as to the truth of the statements made. All marriage licenses will be available in the County Clerk’s office Monday – Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. We ask that you arrive by 4 p.m. to allow time for the end of day procedures which begin at 4:30 p.m. For your convenience and to save time an online application is available. The license is good immediately upon issuance and is valid for 60 days; thus applicants should not apply for a license more than sixty days before the planned marriage ceremony.
When an application is made for a copy of a marriage record from the Office of Vital Records, the following information should be included: full name of groom, full maiden name of bride, date and place of marriage and the name of the circuit court that issued the marriage license. If either applicant has had a prior marriage they will need to produce, at the time of application, a copy of the Final Judgment or Decree of Divorce signed by the Judge of Superior Court, or if either applicant’s former spouse is deceased a death certificate will be required. You can usually apply for your marriage license at any county clerks office in the state in which you want to be married Some states require you to apply in the county clerks office in which you want to be married. For more information be sure to visit www.usmarriagelaws.com for more information.
Typically, couples obtain a marriage license, hold the wedding ceremony, and then have the officiant files the certificate in the appropriate county office within days. The marriage license will be issued at the time of application but is not valid for three days after application. Every marriage license shall be issued by a county judge or clerk of the Circuit Court under his hand and seal.
The marriage license form must be returned to the Clerk’s Office for recording within 10 days after the marriage is performed. No, the Clerk’s Office or County Judge is unable to issue a marriage license to applicants 16 years of age and younger. If one or both persons to be married are residents of Georgia you may apply for a marriage license in any county in Georgia.
The Court will also issue the license if neither of the applicants is a resident of the State of Ohio, but the marriage ceremony must take place in Montgomery County. The county judge or clerk of the circuit court shall issue such license, upon application for the license, if there appear to be no impediments to the marriage. Every marriage license shall be issued by a county judge or clerk of the circuit court under his hand and seal.
It is the responsibility of the officiate (the person who performs the ceremony) to file the marriage license with our office. The cost to apply for a marriage license is $20.00 which is due and payable at the time of application. To purchase a certified copy of a Lane County marriage license by mail, complete and print the Request for Certified Copy of Marriage License Mail the form to our office along with a check for $7.75 for the first certified copy, plus $4 for each additional certified copy.