Aluminium Sliding Door in Singapore – 4 Tips To Maintain It!

We all know how attractive a patio sliding aluminium door in Singapore can be. Upgrading your home with one can be a worthy investment for boosting the resale value and appeal of your home inside and out. Sliding glass doors work well to improve the circulation and flow of natural lighting for an extensive and comfortable living space. While upgrading your home with it is an excellent choice, we must also consider how we can maintain it in the long run. Sliding doors are no exception to maintenance and repair needs like any other part of your home. Maintenance effort for sliding doors may seem uncharted territory for some. However, it is doable to avoid common problems and costly repairs. Here’s what you should do:

Wipe down the frame regularly

Just as you would do in a glass partition wall, wiping down the frame would do well for maintaining your glass sliding door. Make sure you touch the interior and exterior portions of the frame to keep them looking clean and new. Wiping down can also prevent long-term weathering damage on the outer part of the framing seal. Dusting, followed by lukewarm water with a light soap will be enough without harsh chemicals.

Lubricate the tracks

Another thing you should consider is lubricating the tracks, particularly in the bottom part. The bottom track is the most common culprit since they tend to be sticky, becoming tricky to open. Nevertheless, you should consider lubricating when the tracks are clean and filth-free. Otherwise, you’ll encounter a sticking door. For some specialists, it is better to remove the betters when cleaning and lubricating the rail.

Check the door panels

Door panels tend to misalign over time. Wrong installations are also the culprit for sliding doors. Even if you have bought a frameless sliding glass door in Singapore, you can check if the door panels were hard knocked. Otherwise, you might deal with rollers falling out of alignment. You can fix this problem by removing the door and setting it up straight or adjusting the roller screws.

Clean the glass

It’s often for many owners to overlook this aspect so long as they can see things clearly. However, when you look closely, you’ll notice those dirt and dust buildup on the surface of the glass. One sign of dirty glass is when your finger leaves visible marks on the surface. Cleaning the glass should be the best way to start your sliding glass door maintenance. If you’re looking for an aluminium sliding door in Singapore, visit Eatons Interior.

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