13 Ways To Decorate Your Wall To Spice Up Your Apartment

Are you looking for a way to spice up your apartment? A great way to do so is by decorating your wall. Think about it, look around your apartment and there’s no doubt that you’ll be facing your wall. If you put up canvas wall art and other decorations, you can really change the atmosphere.
There are many things that you can do to fully decorate your wall. If you are struggling to come up with ideas, you can also check out the list we have created below for some decor ideas that you can try out on your apartment walls.
1. Lights, lights, lights
Adding lights on your wall can really make it feel expansive. The lights will add much-needed color to an otherwise dull apartment as well.
2. Have a theme
Consistency is key when decorating your apartment. Whether you’re putting up art on the wall or you’re trying to change up the furniture, you need to have a theme in mind to follow.
3. Less is more
If you have a tall ceiling, you will undoubtedly have a gigantic wall. You don’t necessarily have to fill it up with decorations.
4. Look inwards
Putting up paintings of what you already have in your apartment can be a great way to decorate your walls. Look for canvas wall art of the objects you have.
5. Oversized B&W photo
Black and white photos will never go out of style especially when they’re oversized. Perhaps put up a black and white photo of your favorite band?
6. Vintage paintings
Much like black and white photography, vintage paintings are also great to have on your wall if you are decorating. There are many paintings that you can get to put up on the wall.
7. Potted plants
You can hang potted plants on your walls if you are looking for a way to add greenery to your apartment.
8. Look up
Instead of putting up art where you can easily reach them, why not display them to where you have to look up to see and appreciate them? Good air conditioner adds stunning look to home and you should ask the best aircon servicing singapore for installation.
9. Split photos
Putting up canvas wall art is a great way to add color to your apartment walls. A painting of a photo split into three or more could be just what you need.
10. Bedroom gallery
If you are someone who isn’t easily distracted by art, you can turn your bedroom into a gallery so you always have something to look at while you fall asleep and wake up.
11. Paint a mural
Feeling creative? Paint a mural of your own on the apartment walls so you can let your creative juices flow.
12. Add texture
If you feel like the walls lack depth, you can add texture to the walls by covering them with weavings. They are also low-cost options if you are looking to decorate your walls.
13. Add mirrors
When it comes to adding depth, there’s no better option than mirrors for apartment walls. Covering the walls with mirrors, however, may require you to clean the place more often.