Why is LIC Assistant Admit Card Important?
LIC Assistant is an exam for the recruitment to the clerical posts in the Life Insurance Corporation of India. This year, if you aspire to be a part of the corporation, and then apply for 8000+ opportunities today! The conducting body holds the responsibility to increase or decrease the total vacancies announced depending on the number of applications received.
The application process is however over now. As important is eligibility for filling the application form, admit card is similarly important to give the exam. The subject-wise LIC Assistant Exam Analysis for LIC Assistant will help know questions asked difficulty level etc.
When is LIC Assistant Admit Card releasing?
LIC Assistant/Clerk Admit Card will be out on October 15, 2019 (tentatively). It is published online on the official website. Note that it won’t be sent on your registered e-mail ID.
No intimation from the conducting body is sent to the candidates via e-mail or SMS about any latest update on the exam.
Why is LIC Assistant Admit Card Important?
This online generated admit card is not just a document related to the exam, it is indeed one of the most important documents for the LIC Assistant Exam.
Keep in mind that the admit card is published separately for any stage of the exam through online mode only. This e-admit card can be downloaded until 4 days before the exam date.
- LIC Assistant Admit Card is a mandatory document to be carried to the exam center
- A separate admit card is issued for all the stages of the exam which must be carried accordingly.
- Verify all the details mentioned on the admit card, any incorrect detail can lead to cancellation of candidature.
- The admit card is required until the final selection process, so preserve the same at every stage.
How to edit the details in LIC Assistant Admit Card?
LIC Assistant 2019 Admit Card includes the following details:
- Name of the candidate
- Name of the candidates’ parents
- Date of birth
- Exam Center Address
- Exam Date
- Registration Number
- Exam Time
- Exam Day Instructions
- Post applied for
- Category the candidate belongs to
- Photo & Signature as uploaded in the application form
- Space of invigilator’s signature
- Reporting Time
- Exam Center City
If you wish to approach the conducting body for the changes in the admit card, you can contact them.
About LIC Assistant 2019
LIC Assistant is the national level exam for recruiting aspiring candidates to the clerical posts. It is a golden chance for all government job seekers who have the opportunity to grab these jobs. LIC Assistant Cut Off list contains the minimum marks required in order to qualify the exam.
LIC Assistant Notification includes all the information about the total vacancies released, dates of the exam, pattern and syllabus, exam centre list.
The basic pay of an LIC Assistant (Clerk) is Rs. 14435/- per month in the scale of Rs.14435-840(1) – 15275-915(2) – 17105 – 1030(5) – 22255-1195 (2) – 24645 – 1455(3) – 29010 – 1510(2) – 32030 – 1610(5) – 40080 and other admissible allowances as per rules.