Which is Better and Healthier – Roti or the Rice?


The typical and traditional Indian meal comprises of either roti or rice or both rice and roti, and often the Indian meal is considered incomplete without them. This is the reason, either rice or roti or both can be always available in all the cuisines and restaurant such as Rotimatic across the country. Indian habit of food consumption involves three food intakes in a day such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, and both roti and rice or at least one of them are popularly eaten across three meals in the day or in the lunch and dinner or in the dinner. Eventually, the preference between rice and roti does not have any such remarkable controversies, but when it comes to health consciousness, most physicians advise to prioritise roti over rice especially in the dinner due to health reasons particularly for people under ailments.

Nutritional Value of Roti and Rice:

Both rice and the roti have a similar level of carbohydrate and somewhat same calorie value. However, roti and rice have different nutritional value because of the facts that roti has more protein and fibre in comparison to rice. On the other hand, rice gets digested fast and that is the reason within a short time of consuming rice you feel hungry and feel like eating anything before a scheduled meal. But roti gets digested slowly and takes a long time in comparison to rice, and that is the reason you feel full longer when you eat roti and roti is good in comparison to rice for addressing the issues of weight gain.

The macronutrient properties of roti and rice are, each one to three cups of rice contain 80 Kcal of calories and one gram of protein along with 18 grams of carbohydrate, whereas an average medium size of roti contains 71 Kcal of calories and three grams of protein as well as 0. 4 grams of fat and around 15 grams of carbohydrate including 2 grams of fibre.

Vitamins and Minerals in Roti and Rice:

Both roti and rice have a water-soluble vitamin B Folate. However, rice has more folate in comparison to roti. Similarly, roti has phosphorus and calcium, and potassium and iron whereas rice has almost the same amount of iron but has less potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Another important aspect of the existence of mineral and vitamin properties in roti and rice is that rice does not contain any calcium whereas roti has.

When you do a comparative study or rice and roti, roti contains more protein, fibre and micronutrient as well as sodium. However, since rice does not contain any sodium and considered benevolent for people who are watching their sodium intake. Similarly, when you compare between rice and roti in terms of their health benefits, both whole wheat, as well as multi-grain roti, is the best preference for overall health and wellbeing whereas brown rice is the trend of the day for the health-conscious people across the world. Similarly, when it comes to taste and flavour numerous Rotimatic reviews reveal that both roti and rice are equivalent in terms of their delicious taste and wonderful flavour.  


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