What Makes Your Feet Hurt, And How Can You Treat It?
In addition to bunions and osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, inflammation of the Achilles tendon, and osteoporosis are common sources of foot pain (ปวดส้นเท้า, which is the term in Thai). Also contributing to foot pain are underlying health disorders that hinder blood flow, such as diabetes and peripheral artery disease.
You may experience foot pain in either your right or left foot or both. Pain in the foot can affect the whole foot or localised areas like the heel, arch, or toes.
In this post, we’ll look at some of the most typical causes of foot pain. The article explains the diagnostic process. You’ll pick up some useful information on how to treat foot pain.
The Most Common Causes Of Foot Pain
There might be several causes for your foot pain. Reasons for your foot pain might be:
· Footwear
Feet hurt when you wear shoes that don’t support them properly or that don’t fit right. Another possible cause is wearing high heels, which can put extra strain on your feet.
· Age
One study found that one in four seniors experienced foot pain. Age-related foot changes might be to blame for it. These alterations might lead to foot pain due to looser tissue and flattening arches.
· Weight
Overweight people often have trouble walking and have discomfort in their feet.
· Overuse
Constant pressure on the feet, like standing for long periods or running sprints, can be painful.
· Injury Or Illness
A wide variety of accidents and diseases can result in foot discomfort.
How Can Foot Pain Be Treated?
Finding the root of the problem is essential in treating foot pain. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, for instance, your doctor may first treat the underlying problem. The following therapies are others your doctor may suggest or prescribe:
- Orthotics are specially designed inserts for shoes that can help alleviate foot pain.
- A non-painful cast, brace, or night splint to maintain your foot in a neutral posture.
- A cane or other walking aid to lessen the strain on one’s feet and legs.
- Your foot can recover and restore its function with physical therapy.
- Substances with anti-inflammatory properties, such as corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs).
- Painkillers that work on the nervous system, such as gabapentin and pregabalin.
- Surgery is often reserved for extreme cases.
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is a potential additional therapeutic option in specific scenarios. However, your treatment options will vary depending on the root of your foot pain.
Several medical issues and accidents can cause excruciating foot pain. Self-care procedures like foot soaks, massages, and light stretching exercises may help you manage discomfort. If self-care doesn’t alleviate your discomfort, a doctor should evaluate your symptoms and help you develop a treatment plan. This is an important step to take if your symptoms are severe, new, or persistent.