Drug addiction is scary. It is known to ruin relationships, strain marriages, and lead to loss of wages. Unfortunately, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

What’s even scarier is a relapse. In a majority of addicts, relapse has twice the adverse effects the initial addiction had. It takes a lot for a drug addict to go through a rehabilitation program and maintain long-term sobriety.

So, what does it take for medication-assisted treatment for drug addiction to be termed successful?


  • Efficient withdrawal treatment


At some point, drugs introduced into our bodies begin to wear off. It is at such times that withdrawal symptoms start to appear. Some of them include headaches, nausea, anxiety, sweating, and vomiting. The severity of these effects depends on the type and amount of drug consumed. 

Dealing with drug withdrawal symptoms is not something most addicts want. As a result, they are quick to consume more of the drug to counter the symptoms.This is what also happens in rehabilitation centers.

After long term substance abuse, the brain and the body are accustomed to the drug. Denying them of what is ‘rightfully’ theirs triggers distress signals. That is why rehabilitation will perform the detoxification process using formal medicines. These medicines help recovering addicts to better deal with their cravings and significantly reduce the effects of withdrawal.


  • Support


Rehabilitation centers are drug-free zones, thereby offering a conducive and supportive environment for recovering addicts. Apart from medical practitioners who are at their beck and call 24/7, addiction treatment centers have support groups for their patients. Recovering addicts who completed the program and are still practicing sobriety are also called in for motivation purposes.

Additionally, rehabilitation centers are compelled to educate family members on how best to show their support towards the worthwhile course. Counselors at the rehab center help in mending family relations that were broken as a result of the drug addiction.


  • Treatment of underlying issues


Drug addiction is most often than not, a blanket excuse for underlying problems.Various factors trigger drug abuse. Some of them include low self-esteem, social media, life pressures,peer influence, accessibility to drugs, boredom, abuse, and curiosity.

In a rehab program, counselors set aside therapy sessions for their patients. Here, they are offered a platform where they can air out their grievances, fears, and any other pressing matters. It is in such sessions that the counselor seeks to pinpoint the root cause of the addiction.

From there, personalized treatment is offered to patients. Coping mechanisms specific to their underlying issues are taught.


  • Lifestyle changes


The probability of relapse is almost certain if recovering addicts go back to living life as they did pre-rehabilitation. To ensure rehabilitation success, lifestyle change is imperative. 

In the addiction treatment center, patients are taught skills and are encouraged to engage in activities that diverted their minds off drug use. Once the program is complete, recovering addicts need to adopt a change in lifestyle. Avoiding situations, people, and things that enabled destructive habits is highly recommended. That way, recovering addicts can reap the benefits of long term sobriety.

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