What is a Server – Everything You need to know

Server is the hardware as well as the corresponding software that undertakes the provision of various services, “serving” requests of other programs, known as clients that can run on the same computer or on a network connection. When a computer mainly runs such server programs continuously, 24 hours a day, then we can refer to the entire computer as a server, since this is its main function.
Communication between client and server is done over a local network, or the Internet. On large networks where the server undertakes many services, it is usually a computer that differs in its composition from other common computers, since its capabilities are clearly upgraded. The main features of a server are the processors it supports and uses to process the data it receives, the fast and high-capacity hard drives and the fast memories it supports. It is usually accompanied by a dual power supply system and an uninterrupted power supply device (UPS), for greater reliability and certainty in its services.
Computers that are used as network servers – Servers – must be able to work all day and continuously without interruptions. For this reason, computer and computer parts manufacturers offer separate server constructions. The most reliable servers are those that have installed the Linux Operating System – often called Linux VPS servers (if we are talking about the Virtual Private Server technology). Of course these constructions can also be used for personal computers but they raise the cost.
Common features for the material are:
Motherboards with
- High temperature resistance
- Built-in RAID systems
- Built-in small memory and speed video card
- More comfortably distributed memory and processor elements so that both can be cooled
- Fewer expansion ports
- More operating indicators
- Ability to use ECC memory
Boxes with
- Special lock
- Seats for more fans
- Specially designed interiors to make air circulation better
- Special boxes that can be integrated into rack
Disks with
- Specifications for a longer consecutive year of use
- Which can be disconnected while it is in operation?
Operating system
Most operating systems have a special version for use as a server or can be configured in retrospect by running software that does the service.
Most internet servers take on a lot of work and are properly organized with features that differentiate them from simple servers from which they are:
- Options for selecting how to edit the various programs
- UPS Communication Program
- Ability to use more than one processor
- Ability to co-edit with other computers-servers
- More possibilities to change hardware and upgrade the operating system without the need to restart the system
- More security systems
Many modern programs work with client-server logic. Even the operating system itself works with this logic. The programs ask for some action and the operating system undertakes to serve them by performing the functions requested.
Usually most server programs require a separate server without this always being necessary. Common servers-programs in an office environment that may run on the same or on separate computers are:
- File server
- Printer server
- Backup server
- Database server
- Fax server
- Proxy server
- E-mail server
- Sound server
- Graphical Display Server
Common Internet servers-programs are:
- Web with http protocol (http server)
- Domain Name System (DNS server)
- E-mail server
- File transfer with FTP (ftp server)
- IRC and instant messaging (IRC server)
- Voice Communications
- Streaming audio and video (streaming server)
- Online games